*Professional Ultrasound Scanning for all small animals*
*Progesterone Quantitive Blood Testing on AIA 360 - results in 20 mins* Assisted Matings *Microchipping * Chilled Semen Shipping UK Only
* VacciCheck - Antibody Titre Test*

Lincoln Canine Ultrasound Scanning
estingmysite16695 England

Covering East Midlands
South & East Yorkshire
Est 2014

I began performing canine & feline ultrasounds scans after finding a need for this service whilst breeding my own dogs. I wanted to be able to have my girls scanned in a relaxed & homely enviroment to reduce any stress to them and also to have an accurate estimation of their gestation as well as an idea of how many we might be expecting.
Having had more than 36 years experience as a qualified midwife, I am able to put all my midwifery skills and extensive knowledge to good use.
As a fully trainined and highly experienced ultrasound scanning technician, specialising in canine and all small animal pregnancy diagnosis, I pride myself in being able to provide a personalised and unique service, tailored to individual needs.This dedicated service is offered to all animal lovers in Lincolnshire & The East Midlands areas.
Fully trained ultrasound Scanning Technician - Trained at Level 1 & 2 in Canine Ultrasound Scanning with Vet Image Solutions using CE Certified eqipment & PAT tested.
Qualified Microchip Implanter for all small animals - immediate registration with Petlog, Animal Tracker & Pettrac databases.
All above services fully insured.